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Gedung 8 Lantai + 2 Basement. Selangkah Ke SCBD Sudirman - Jakarta Mansion

Featured Hot Property

Office For Sale at Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta


Gedung 8 Lantai + 2 Basement. Selangkah Ke SCBD Sudirman OS1646

DEKAT SENOPATI AREA - KEBAYORAN BARU. Gedung 8 Lantai + 2 Basement. Selangkah Ke SCBD Sudirman----------------------------------------- Certificate : SHGB, 12 Desember 2047- Land size: 570 sqm- Building Area: 2,884 sqm- No of floors : 8 floors + 2 basement- Facility: UOB Bank + Salon + Chiropractic- Zona: K2 Sub Zona Perdagangan dan Jasa- Genset- Lift dari basement sampai lantai 7- Parking: Basement 9 unit mobilOutdoor 15 -18 unit mobil----------------------------------------Harga Jual Rp 98 M(Include PPN 11%)ridhj========================================================Menerima Pemasaran PropertiFor more info:Wa: 0817 600 1155Wa: 0811 908 100IG: @housejakartaOffice: (021) 7177 - 1195Email:housejakartagroup@gmail.comWebsite:www.HouseJakarta.com

Property Detail

Location: Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta
Land Size: 570 sqm
Building Size Size: sqm
Bedrooms: bedrooms
Bathroom: bathrooms
Garage: cars
Property Condition: Good
Furnish Condition: Unfurnished
View: City
Facilities: - Facility: UOB Bank + Salon + Chiropractic- Zona: K2 Sub Zona Perdagangan dan Jasa- Genset- Lift dari basement sampai lantai 7
Price: Rp

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