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Penthouse Apartement Casa Grande Kota Kasablanka Residence Brand New Furnished Dijual Murah - Jakarta Mansion

Featured Hot Property

Apartment For Sale at Casablanca, South Jakarta


Penthouse Apartement Casa Grande Kota Kasablanka Residence Brand New Furnished Dijual Murah AS638

Casa Grande Residence Kota Kasablanka,Unit Apartemen  Tower Avalon unit “Penthouse” Luas 256 m2,3 kamar tidur + 1 kamar pembantu, full furnished & Private Lift.Sewa US$ 3,500 per bulan atau Jual Rp 11 Milyar.

Property Detail

Location: Casablanca, South Jakarta
Land Size: 256 sqm
Building Size Size: 256 sqm
Bedrooms: 3 bedrooms
Bathroom: 3 bathrooms
Garage: 2 cars
Property Condition: Brand New
Furnish Condition: Fully Furnished
View: Kuningan, Mega Kuningan, City view
Price: Rp

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